
Happy Dog, The wiggle of an ear, just as you near. A tilt of the head, from something you said. Tail wagging- making a breeze, a sure sign your  pleased. Jump up turn around happy signs without a sound.

Patricia Walter 2002




Totally unmanageable

When we first got our dog Bomber he was totally unmanageable. Constantly pulling and lurching on his lead, did not listen to any commands, jumped up at people etc. He was on the verge of going back to the RSPCA. We then decided as a last resort to have some one to one training done and what a great decision it turned out to be. Thanks to Graham and the team we now have a very well trained and behaved dog. He’s now off the lead on the field, enjoys playing with other dogs and most important comes back when called. No more pulling on the lead means he is now a pleasure to walk and a pleasure to own. We strongly recommend The Happy Dog Training Academy, to anybody with a troublesome pooch before you tear your hair out! Thanks again for all your hard work, It was worth it.

Jon & Anne June 24.


Run along the fence barking

I would like to say a Huge thanks to Graham for helping me deal with what I thought was an impossible problem to solve. We back on to fields and Ozzy my springer spaniel would run along the fence barking every time the farm dog next door went by, this happened several times a day and no amount of recall, shouting etc would make him come away. I e-mailed The Happy Dog Training Academy and we arranged a visit. Graham was very patient not only with Oz but also with me and he showed me different techniques to use, it worked. He now comes away when called, Oz is so much more attentive both in the house and outside. I now have a dog that is such a joy instead of a worry, I can walk him off lead past livestock. His lead work is not perfect but it is much better than it was, (a work still in progress), so a big thank you to Kirsten who spent 6 weks training us. Would I recommend them, Yes I would and have on many an occasion when talking to other dog walkers. Graham also recommend a change of diet, I was a bit wary at first but it is the best thing we could have done. Oz now cries for his food at meal times and his coat is shinier his teeth cleaner and his deposits much easier to deal with. What more can I say? June 24 

Misbehaving Duke

We thought that we would let you know how successful Duke has been since you came to help us. He walks beautifully on the lead for Ken and has passed by other dogs with his head down and ignoring them, even when the other dogs were barking at him or trying to get to him. Ken has altered the time he takes Duke out so that there is more likelihood of meeting other dog walkers rather than walking him at unsociable hours, that  is a big bonus. We took Duke to our local Reservoir yesterday morning and that is a haven for dog walkers. Duke behaved beautifully he was unfazed by other dogs ignored the ones that ran up to him and Ken sat on a bench surrounded by other dog walkers and had a coffee.  People commented on how well behaved Duke was. We also went to the pub for lunch and it was the same two separate parties of people came over to comment on how well behaved Duke was and to admire him. Duke just sat under the table whilst we ate our lunch.
Ken says that his own confidence in handling Duke has grown significantly. I still have some way to go but I will continue on the programme. It is working so well we cannot thank you enough in 3 days it is like a miracle the change we have seen in us and in Duke. Thank You So Much. May 24



Ken & Sharon


Nightmare Walks

Many thanks again for your excellent advice and support. when we first approached you we were in despair as to how we could get Bertie and Teddie (two brothers) to react positively to other dogs instead of turning a walk out with them in to a nightmare. Following your visit and the time that you spent with us going through the right and wrong approaches to how we treated the dogs we were able to see an immediate improvement in their behaviour. This gave us the confidence when we took them away with us to walk down busy streets in the Lake District and for them to behave impeccably. This has continued and we are now happy that they continue to show positive development and that our own approach to them is helping them develop. All thanks to you and I would recommend your considered and helpful approach to anyone.
Graeme & Julia May 24


Graham is a very professional, capable and friendly trainer. Sessions are fun, and even the least confident of dog owners are capable of getting results. My dog loved him from the start, which speaks volumes!

Claire with Bertie 25th April 2024


Whatever problem you may have with your dog Graham and the tram always finds a way forward. He is always kind, patient and positive and classes are always great fun as well as being helpful and brilliantly organised so everyone can relax and progress quickly but without feeling pressured in any way. Best of all he helps you understand what makes your dog tick and how to communicate meaningfully to strengthen your bond and develop your relationship. I recommend her very highly.

Janet with Millie 16th March 24


I first met Graham about three years ago when I got my puppy Labrador, Marley. Marley refused to walk beyond the garden but now, through his support, training and dedication, my three-year-old Marley is not only walking confidently everywhere on and off lead, but he has also passed Gold Kennel Club Good Citizens Award and passed Novice Trick Training Award. He is now doing Scent Training. None of this would have been possible if Graham wasn’t there for both of us. His team of trainer’s patience, knowledge and energy has no bounds.

Martin & Mark with Marley 21st Feb 24


Graham is a calm, kind and patient trainer who uses only positive reward-based training methods. He teaches a wide variety of activities for dogs of all ages and abilities from puppies upwards. Especially enjoyable and popular are the puppy sessions, and I would thoroughly recommend them. They are suitable for all breeds of dog, and they really enjoy it. As you advance there are more classes you are able to take. My dog loved them, and it is exciting for the dogs to try something new.

Mary with Poppy 14th Feb 2024


Graham is a brilliant trainer, kind, and patient and so approachable. My dog has been with Graham and the team from 3 month's old, he passed his puppy and has moved on. I'm so glad he can go on to do his beginner class. The classes gives so much encouragement, he just loves to go training, made great friends looking forward to this year.

Brian with Albert13th Jan 24


We have started training recently with the happy dog training academy, having done the conditioning introduction and two further sessions. Graham is a kind, considerate trainer who has been extremely patient with both our slightly nervous dogs. Looking forward to continuing our progress. Thank you Happy dog.

Karen W, 8th Dec 23

My labrador Daphne was a giddy 18-month-old when I got her, and one of the first things I did was contact the happy dog training academy, to get her to classes. We had a home visit and decided one -to-one training would benefit Daph better. Daph improved immensely and you could see how much she enjoyed learning. Graham is extremely well qualified and has a natural empathy with animals, he also incredibly patient and good natured with his pupils' owners!


Graham is amazing he's always very calm and always understanding of people's and dog's needs. He never rushes anyone, and he takes time with every owner, you never feel pressured, and the way he trains the dogs is amazing. The dogs love it, and the people enjoy doing it. My Tilly began along with not really knowing anything. After just on home visit, I felt confident and ready to join the classes, she is always excited to go to class and she loves the classes.

Ellenor and Tilly 10th Nov 23

Tim L and Coco 18th Dec 23

We took Coco to the puppy classes with Graham. At some point in between courses felt we needed some support and reassurance with her training and booked a 1-2-1 session. The place for the lessons is great, there is no traffic around, making it very safe for the dogs. Graham took us to a fenced paddock which was ideal for a session off the lead. Two of his dogs assisted her in the session, which was great, just what Coco needed. We worked in recall in the presence of distraction while she was playing with her new furry friends. He gave me so many tips I found difficult to work on everything to start with but been putting into practice 6 tips in particular since the lesson. They have made such a difference! It’s like the commands have become clearer to Coco now and, in consequence, she is more reliable and responds way better when called, even when she is having fun. She also gave us tips to avoid stress around specific triggers. Graham seems to know Coco so well; he picked up very quickly what she likes or dislikes and we could adapt the rewards we give her accordingly. Coco loves him Since day 1 every single tip Graham gave us has worked for us and made things so much easier. We received so much reassurance as well. He listened to our concerns and worries. We are so happy we have booked another 1-2-1 sessions.

I highly recommend Graham as a dog (and human!) Trainer. He classes are informative, well-structured and above all fun for owner and dog.

Sam with Lexi 3rd Nov 23

The training staff are all very likeable, they have integrity. They have all chosen their career which suits them well. The head trainer graham has a natural way with dogs of all breeds which enables him to bring the best out in them. He teaches using kind, positive reinforcement techniques to which dogs respond well. He is very good at explaining to the clients how to improve their handling skills in obedience, showing techniques, making it fun. His teaching (whether in a group situation or on a 1-2-1) is effective. I highly recommend the classes to anyone wanting to build up a better relationship with their dog, beginners and experienced owners alike, all can benefit from the classes’ methods and knowledge. Of the happy dog classes.

Phil Wainwright

Reviewer stats1 review • 0 photos

Review left by Phil Wainwright 28/10/23

starstarstarstarstar 10 hours ago

This place has allowed me to understand my dog better, it has allowed me to be a better friend to my dog, and to give him the life he should have. We both have a journey to travel, and the training is not just 'dog training', but training both the two and four legged partners to work together as a team. I knew I had found the perfect training classes from the first phone call. Graham told me exactly what problems I had, and how to correct them from only the age, breed and sex of my dog He knew everything I was trying to deal with and told me where I was going wrong. My best friend has just passed the puppy training course (which means I have also started understanding my puppy better), and we are now going to move on to the next phase. I know we both have a lot to learn, but with Graham and the rest of the team behind us, I know we will have a good life together. I could go on, and wax lyrical, but to truly understand how good this team is, the only way is to pick up the phone, or keyboard and start the journey yourself ... If you have a dog, and want to have the ideal relationship.... Contact the Happy Dog Academy. I must say that I have not been paid for this post, it is just that I am so glad I made the decision to contact these wonderful people. And it is a community enterprise, not just a 'for profit ' business. Please contact them


Reassuring & Supportive

I contacted Graham as my dog had become reactive to certain dogs when walking her on a lead which, in turn, was making me very anxious and getting to the point where I didn't want to walk her anymore. Graham has been very reassuring and supportive throughout the training and his techniques have proven to be very successful. We subsequently went on to the six week course because my dog would ignore me around distractions. I have seen a remarkable difference and can now walk her and call her back whenever I want and Graham has even shown me how to train her to ignore people and other animals.  I can't stress enough that if you follow Graham's techniques and persevere with the training you will see a remarkable difference in your dog's behaviour. I would have no hesitation in recommending both him and the training classes. As a foot note the training classes were very afordable. 

Stan and Jess 27th Aug 23



Great Training

We adopted a 4 year old GSD and at the start it was impossible to go even for short walks with him as he pulled so much on the lead and didn't listen to any commands while outside. We were almost ready to give up. However, once Graham started training with us through regular lessons and home work, our dog's behaviour changed rapidly. Graham is loved by our dog and our children call him the chicken man , and his patient training approach showed results very fast. Our dog is now much better behaved on and off the leash and can even walk at heel. Graham tailored his lessons around our requirements, suggesting practical solutions and always being honest about what we can achieve within the time we had. We cannot recommend him and his training approach high or often enough. Our next chalange will be takeing hime to classes. looking forwould to it if im honest.

Jess W Aug 2023


Rex and I have just completed the 6 week training course. Rex was only 12 weeks old when Graham made the home visit Rex was a good boy, but the consistent biting and house training was becoming quite a problem. We were shown how to condition Rex. Witch I might just as Add Graham spent 3 hours at our house, with information we never new about dogs. Just the information given was worth the £120, the hole course cost. Withing a week we had got Rex on track with house training and the bighting stopped after a few days. We have completed the course, and although both ourself and rex has not completely mastered the training, the weekly training sheet will help us to carry on with his training. A great improvement on the last training course we had with our last pet. Can’t thank you enough, congratulations to the happy dog training classes for a perfect job, well done. I will be recommending you to everyone, needing help.

Jennifer and Rex. 17th May 2023.

Having already attended a puppy course when Milo was 13 weeks old, I felt as though I learned more in the home visit with Graham than throughout the whole of the previous 8 weeks course with another trainer (non-connected business). It was more about me learning how to train Milo and I felt I achieved this and the improvement in Milo was fantastic. Sharron & Milo. Jan 2023


Absolutely loved the puppy training classes. Excellent input from the trainers. Highly recommend the course. The Trainers are always willing to help out and give advice. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Learned a lot. Kate & Lucy jan 2023


The trainer (Graham) is knowledgeable of different breeds and is quick to adapt to each dogs learning needs. Form week to week not only did we see an improvement in Dexter, but we could see and commented to each other the improvement in the other dogs in the class. It is easy to see the improvement happening as the course proceeds. Judith & Dexter. Feb 2023


The team is enthusiastic, motivated, and knowledgeable. Graham has different techniques if for any reason your dog needs alternative techniques to work for you. Each dog is treated with respect and owners are too. Graham and the team have time for everyone. Dorothy & Spider. Feb 2023


I am delighted in the difference in Daisy since I started the puppy class, she has gone from being a nervous puppy to a more approachable and better-behaved dog. I was very impressed with the training techniques, so diverse tailored to each dog.

Anne & Daisy, Feb 2023

Kath J and Milo Springer Spaniel

Our little boy Milo is now 9 years old. He has been to the Vets and has seen 3 now. About 2 years ago Milo started with some strange behaviours, he started to hide behind the couch and his house training became a big problem, recall was not great, and it took us 3 or 4 commands to get him to do the things he had been doing well for years. We have had about every test you can imagine. The Vets could not find a reason for his bizarre behaviour.

The Final veterinary practice suggested we saw a trainer, as it may be a behaviour problem and not a medical one. After some research and reading the reviews, we contacted The Happy Dog Training Academy, we booked an appointment a few days later. We met their behaviour trainer Graham and a young lady, sorry but I don’t remember her name. Hours later with what seamed endless behaviour test, we were told our little fella had canine dementia. I have to be honest something I didn’t think dogs could get. But we have had some formal rehabilitation therapy training, over the last few months. Milo is a happy little dog again, we have had to adapt to his new routine, but he is doing really well. Of course, we had expected to pay for the treatment, but to our amazement the therapy and training didn’t cost anything, we were asked just to donate. Both myself and my family really can’t thank them enough for the time and effort. Milo is our little star, and we know we can have the pleasure of him for a wile yet. Big thanks to everyone. Including Healthy Options who gave their Intolerance tests free as well.


Ann R and Mable Cockerpoo

We have just attended the 6-week course completed of the 30/12/22. Mable is not our first dog, we hoped to be able to just socialise her with others, so you can imagine our surprise that after just 2 weeks and our personal home visit, we began to understand just haw much we really didn’t know about brining a puppy up. The training was 5 star, and we cannot speak highly enough of the friendly staff, it really dose feel like a family. Mable and we went through the full six week and were so pleased to gain 67% marks and received our certificate, now proudly hanging on our wall. If anyone has a puppy of indeed dog looking for some help, I urge you to contact them. Ann and of course Mable

nstructors have been awesome (Graham, Christine, Kirsten). And the front of house staff has been so kind and accommodating. We feel so lucky to be near this facility. We just started training at this facility after moving near here, the trainers have a great knowledge. We soon realised just how little we knew, despite having had quite a few dogs in the past. The home visit showed us just what modern dog training was about. As soon as the trainer had gone, both myself and my wife looked at each other. We definitely looked forward to the 6-week course, after just our 3 weeks the change in our dogs is unexpected, improvement we look forward to the next 3. 5 ***** Routh R


Terry R

7 weeks ago

Attended puppy preschool class at our vets, we found them valuable. We now are attending the puppy class, it’s great. The classes are an hour long just about and they teach you a lot of stuff in that amount of time. For pups at least, there is dog to dog interactions so if that's what you're looking for specifically this is definitely the place. I've been to those kind of places in the past and to be honest it’s a mixed bag. My dog is a little shy and the policy these people put in place makes a lot of sense. I got recommend by my vet and I recommend this place to every puppy owner I met. They also have plenty of staff for dogs who are training. We found the head trainer always showed us what to do, after the other training staff help us to get things in place. It means working at home, but we expected that. The Happy Dog do have advance classes. I just don't have any personal experience with that.


Hazel K Daisy

This place does such a great job of helping you train your dog, but they also focus on training the dog's owners. We are putting our second dog through their classes and our first dog is a well-behaved great dog. Our second one is well on her way as well.


Shinli Chi (Hazel)

10 weeks ago

Happy Dog is the place I recommend beginning training your dog. We’ve had very successful experiences with the course. We earned our certificate now hanging proudly on the wall. Now, we are starting the more advanced course. We have had a great experienced and with professional instructors. Their location is convenient and clean.


We're so happy! Thank-you, 

Our Trainer did a great job helping my pup learn the do’s and don’ts of public behavior. Thanks to all at the happy dog training academy, my pup is a step closer to becoming my service dog and we couldn’t be prouder of his public behavior transformation.
Our dog seems more confident and comfortable, which is incredible because he’s a rescue who started off pretty nervous of the world around him. Now Max can raise his head high while he walks confidently past things that used to make him uneasy.
We’re so happy he can enjoy life more at our sides and we’re very excited to take him on more adventures 😊
Max went through the 8 week train program, after a home visit with there head of training and the results were mind blowing. One thing I still have trubble bleaveing is the cost, the home visit was free and the 8 week course was just £120 unbeleavable value. 
 And if somewhere down the line he needs a refresher course, I can take him anywhere in the country to one of and he will fit in  😁 Thank-you so so much.

May 2022


“I am a dog trainer , but as with most trainers i have little time to teach my own dogs, Leeds based dog training classes. So thought id give the happy dog training academy a go, because i had read the revues. I found Graham and the staff to be responsible, reliable, professional and an all around excellent dog trainer. I am very picky about the way my dogs are, handled and trained and I have never felt more comfortable trusting their training, infact as a dog trainer myself I found some new techniques. Graham is hands down one of the best dog trainers I have met in a long time and I would highly recommend him”. I would never say this lightly – Meagan Karnes,

Graham arrived on our door after a desperate call for help with our two year old rescue Siberian husky Skye. When he arrived his calm manner had a overwhelming effect on our totally unruly dog. He brought her back to basic with the way mum would teach her, which he said would help and gave us lessons on our behaviour with Skye which we kept to the letter. The words Watch Me, wait, sit and down are still so much part of our ongoing training. Graham instructed us on all Skye's behavioural issues, fear, aggression and basic obedience. His calmness throughout all our training have been so beneficial to Skye, she learnt to respect us and as well our respect of her and helping her overcome the terrible trauma she had in her first year. Graham's positive approach to dog training is truly fantastic, we now have a calm, responsive dog who obeys commands and has even achieved more than we had hoped for. Skye responded so well to Graham and his training and even looked forward to it and waited by the door for his regular appointments. Graham is kind, considerate of both animal and owners needs, his manner and his approach to our dog is what every owner needs in dog training, feeding and training needs are something we will always continue and know if ever we needed urgent help with anything we know a quick chat or text, will be there for both of us. We always recommend Graham with pride - if Graham can train our mad out of control Siberian husky (the so called hard to train dogs) and turn her into the adorable dog she is today he can train your dog. April 2022


I contacted The Happy Dog Training Academy, as my dog had become reactive to certain dogs when walking her on a lead which, in turn, was making me very anxious and getting to the point where I didn't want to walk her anymore. Graham has been very reassuring and supportive throughout the training and his techniques have proven to be very successful. We subsequently went on to train recall because my dog would ignore me around distractions and had even run off to chase sheep. I have seen a remarkable difference and can now walk her and call her back whenever I want and Graham and the team has even shown me how to train her to ignore sheep and other animals.  I can't stress enough that if you follow Graham's techniques and persevere with the training you will see a remarkable difference in your dog's behaviour. I would have no hesitation in recommending him, and The Happy Dog Training Academy. April 2022

Unbelievable Results

I contacted The Happy Dog Training in February after taking on a rescue dog with very aggressive tendencies towards other dogs. When confronted with another dog (even if it was on the other side of the road), my rescue without warning would try and attack. When Graham told me we could eventually get her to a level of walking side by side with another dog I didn't believe him AT ALL, but thought any improvement was better so persevered. Throughout the training Graham was patient, reassuring, generous with his time and knowledge, and above all a genius; as I'm proud to say that at our last training session (in this morning April) it has taken just 2 months with 5 home visits, my dog walked alongside another dog without a care in the world, and even had a sniff at each-other. I'm overwhelmingly delighted with the results and can't thank or promote Graham's work enough.” 


I have been struggling with Rosy, my 10 year old Jack Russel for over 2 year now. She has been hiding, barking and has become house broken, doing her biasness in the house something she has never done. I have had 3 Dog trainers now been to my house, and spent a small fortune in Vet bills, all to no avail. I had read the revues , and then spoken to Graham the Head of training at the Happy Dog Club. Who suggested a home visit.  This was in September, Graham performed some what i would have said to be strange test for my Rosy.  He then told me that my little girl was suffering from Canine Dementia (Canine Cognitive Dysfunction), I have to be honest i never thought pets could get such a thing. But Graham Put some training in place for me to use, it has now been 3 months and although, My little girl will never recover, the training has worked wonders for her, probably more me if I'm honest. It is just nice to know why Rosy doing what she is. Graham has now made 3 visits to see us. With out charging me anything, The Happy Dog Training Academy has to be top of my Christmas List. I am 67years old and Rosy is my all Thank you So Much Hellen - Dec 2021

November 2021

We began Sheba's training at home through a online course, that was not cheap, if I am honest. By the time Sheba was just 6 months old our home training was not going as well as we had hoped. Training from 4 month old Sheba our German Shepherd dog, was showing small but never the less aggression. We found The Happy Dog Training Academy, when out walking, talking to another dog owner. All I can say is WOW!! We were all very impressed with the methods that Graham used to train Sheba, and we were also impressed with the fact that he took time to teach our family how to continue with Sheba's training. The gentle training techniques yield great results, as long as we continue the work that he has began. It was clear to us that Graham and the Training Staff all genuinely cared about Sheba, and Sheba responded with enthusiasm. Thank you, everyone, for the excellent care and training that you provided our girl, I highly recommend, The Happy Dog Training, if you’re looking for your dog to have training. And just one foot note I never Hurd one of the Training Staff raise there voice, in the Six weeks. That's impressive 


I want to thank Graham for the In-home training. Before this training I had about given up hope on Diesel. He was pulling me on our walks and he would jump up on my guests. Graham was able to work with my hectic schedule and get the job done. Now Diesel obeys me on the first command and I am able to walk him without being drug down the street. My son Aaron would like thank him as well because he no longer has to worry about the dog destroying his shoes, It took me a few days to get to grips with the Brain Training Exercise's. Graham Went through it with us, after just a few minuets Diesel was listening, as though hypnotised with Graham's finger, truly amazing. Would I say Graham was a master trainer "without a question"    Barbie "If you have a problem don't hesitate get InTouch" June 2021


Mollie our Border Collie

Mollie Border Collie

I had TWO incredible training sessions with Graham; for my 8 month old Collie After a 6 week training session for Mollie (with another trainer), I was sure that all of my problems were solved. After just a few weeks of Mollie. I learned that not all of her issues were resolved as I expected. Mollie has severe aggression issues and she didn't like to be too close to strangers or other dogs. Walks were such a disaster along with having company over at the house. However, since working in sessions with Graham, I could see that Mollie aggression has Tremendously altered for the better. There’s no way we could have had this huge of an adjustment and this fast, without  Graham help. After just a few session, I would say that the issue was very much resolved and it will continue to be moving forward. I appreciate Graham's  patience, kindness and love for people and dogs and he truly made us feel more confident with our future with Mollie, Graham always made me feel like I could count on him to give us the best advice and training that fit our lifestyles, than just giving us generic advice like I have received from previous trainers. If I could give Graham a higher rating than 5 stars I would in a heartbeat! I highly recommend his training services and will see Graham again for any future dogs we add to our growing family. Both Mollie and myself are now attending the dog training school, Mollie just loves going. The minute she sees Graham her excitement is overwhelming. You would never believe the ways Mollie feels. Her training is now coming on, even though we are having to conform to the social distancing. 

I would definitely recommend the Classes for anyone, Graham has a vast knowledge and experience. 

A title of the service you provide

The Service we had with the training classes are, I have to say second to none. I recomend them to anyone 

Testimonial Kate November 2019.

I have worked with Mr Swain at training classes and with behavioural clients. He is extremely knowledgeable not only in training dogs but also offering excellent behavioural advice. He is a reward based positive trainer; behaviourist that meets all of the dogs needs whilst supporting their owners too. 

This is our second-generation puppy graham has helped us with. Graham’s training is kind, sympathetic but above all fun for both puppy and owner, no question has a mind full of really helpful information. We would highly recommend happy dog training without hesitation. 


The Academies response.

We have supported Kate, with both puppies, when Kate first contacted us, she was having a few behavioural issues with her dog. We supported her throughout her training with some home visits. Kate put a lot off work into her dog and after a few months she had work through the problems, and the dog was very well behaved. So much so she decided to get another puppy, Kate sought advice from our head of training, and found the puppy she wanted. Not wishing to make any mistakes she enrolled in our 6-week training program, and was awarded one of the highest makes given at the time, gaining 62%.

Fiona and Ted Nov 2019

 8 Nov 2019   

We were having problems with Ted, our Springer spaniel, we found the training classes online. Contacting them was easy, just a phone call, we were given some great advice over the phone. We booked into the classes that day. Since attending the classes Ted has come on leaps and bounds. His recall was a big issue with him not coming back but now after just six weeks, he returns most every time we call him. I am disabled so pulling on the lead is a big big problem, but Graham spent time to show me how to get ted to walk by my side, even more he came to my home to show me. " Without cost " I've never had such personal attention from anyone.  

Although Ted is not perfect he is getting there and with continuing on with the classes I'm hoping he gets better and better. Recommend The Happy Dog Training Academy. Everyone friendly, wheelchair Accessible, disabled toilets. Perfect. And that care.  

Fiona and Ted. 

My Truth 24 Aug 2020

My Truth   24 Aug 2020   

`` It is difficult to put into words the success we have had with Graham and the training classes, regarding our three dogs. I cannot even begin to tell you the copious amount of money spent in the past on training, collars, leashes, etc. It’s almost embarrassing. We found The Happy Dog Classes on Facebook a year ago, but did not look him up until a few months ago. We had one of our rescues bites someone while with our dog walker and another exhibit dog aggression. And because we love our dogs dearly, we looked graham up. I thought what can it hurt to try one more trainer? We just want our dogs to be the best they can be. Before, we were taking all three to the dog walker 3 days a week to run off energy and now they only go to be boarded when we are out of town! We walk all three of them with loose leashes twice a day, past other dogs, cats, squirrels. and their ears are back, mouths open and totally relaxed. They are so much more tired and fulfilled than they ever were going with the dog walker. Thank you Graham for your intuition and understanding of our dogs and letting us know that all dogs are not equal and each need to be addressed individually. If you need proof? Just look at me walking all three of ours on loose leads.Thank you happy dog training for the gift that you have shared with us. You are truly a blessing… 

Steven and Mable February2020


I can highly recommend Graham and The Happy Dogg training to everyone, graham sets you on the right step from the start in the most positive upbeat way to ensure both you and your dog work in harmony to maximise your enjoyment of each other and every experience. 

Mike, Rastrick Sept 2020

September 2020

I personally had never had a dog and so at the age of 49 we got our 8 week old Labrador, I had no idea what to do other than play with her and feed her , most importantly dog training gave me the confidence to take on board the training methods we are taught each week so to give our puppy a the best way forward for a happy healthy and safe time and to enable her to get the very best out of life by getting it right from the very start . 

Mike, Rastrick 

Kaye October 2020

October 2020

I can't recommend Graham and his dog training support and techniques highly enough. the perfect name for the training provides, from the Puppy lessons and an introduction to many enrichment activities, to the "Puppy Classes" which was fun and informative, through to the Adults course which has provided some great training techniques. The courses are fun and well structured.  Graham is such a warm and engaging person who has helped us so much with setting the foundations for an enjoyable, trusting, and loving relationship with our pup not to mention the invaluable help on recall techniques (I have not had to chase my Welsh Terrier with lead in hand and red faced yelling apologies for weeks now phew!). Thank you for sharing your knowledge so keenly and patiently Kaye. 

Jane M Brighouse

As a first time dog owner I was looking for help and advice with my extremely boisterous new puppy. I found the happy dog training academy to be exactly what we were looking for. Graham teaches in a fun way which is kind and reward based. Both myself and Bruce have come a long way since getting help from them. Thank you so much. 

Jane M Brighouse 

L Casey Huddersfeild June 2021

June 2021

The classes are fantastic and fun, putting owners and their dogs at ease. A great safe environment for dogs and owners to learn new skills. Graham is an enthusiastic and engaging teacher always having time to deal with individual training problems within a small group. I would definitely recommend them to anyone thinking of joining one of his classes 

L Casey Huddersfield